Nail it!

Hey 90s kids, we are not kids anymore. So, we are at the age of 20s and taking our first steps to the journey of personal and professional growth. Chances that you feel lost and disoriented. Don’t worry! Either do I.

I’ve just got back from my internship in Berlin. It was not a smooth experience at all. I encountered tons of ups and downs. Things did not go as I had expected. Though, I learnt a lot and highly appreciate the experience. Simultaneously, it was a great inspiration and motivation for me to write what you are going to read down there.

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Nail it!’s journey

I am bringing my new project: Nail it!*. It is all I would like to share about pursuing your dream job (or internship) and more importantly creating a better version of yours. This time, I take the blog as a forum for mutual benefits where we will all discuss, help each other and grow together. Thus, I will bring up those points and share my experience, some thoughts and so-called tips. The rest is up to you. Of course, I would love to hear from you guys. Be sure to share your stories with me and spread the word.

*even though I have not nailed it yet. LOL

So, what and how am I going to tell my story? Nail it! is broken into 3 main parts including Building your Profile, Pursue a Title and Carry Out. They are not a chain that you will go from A to Z. Instead, it is a loop that you will prepare, jump into, evaluate and repeat. Kick off HERE!

Pursue a Title

(to be updated)

Carry Out

(to be updated)