3 must-watch movies for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is right at the corner. It is high time we all brought up love and sweetness to our beloved people. In this blog, I would like to share with you top 3 movies you should definitely not miss out. As they might change how you think about love, life and happiness.

3. Love, Rosie

Cast: Lily Collins and Sam Claflin.


Love, Rosie is pretty much a sweet choice for this Valentine’s Day. If you are curious about how it is like to fall in love with your best friend, go for this movie. Alex and Rosie have been best friends since childhood, and that is the biggest problem. The film is an interesting, sweet and worthwhile journey of Alex and Rosie to realize who is the one for them. We merely know the one for us sometimes is who has always been there right next to us. Then it costs a long journey just to pick the right one for our life. Love, Rosie has committed to this idea throughout all the problems, farewells and meetups within this lead couple.

Alex and Rosie have been best friends, and that is the biggest problem.

More importantly, I would like to stress on the idea of life sent through the film. Life is never as our expectation. We struggle to pursue our dreams, what we want to do and who we want to become, and then forget about them because of what life has been bringing to us. Getting pregnant at the age of 18 does not sound like a good idea, but Rosie decides to leave her dream and become a single mom. It isn’t a fit for you, is it? At this point, I would appreciate her father for being such caring, sympathetic and inspiring. When Rosie is in her worst moments, he is always at her back. He has been the greatest motivation and inspiration that she can move on and chase her dream. Love, Rosie is so far a sweet reminder for those who have been stuck or stopped by rough rocks in life! We are and will always be pushed out of our paths, even we are not sure about them. Our choice is to keep us on track and headed to our dream or to give it up. Beyond challenges, our family and dearest friends are absolutely the cornerstones of our life. They will stand by you, show you the lights behind dark sky.

2. The Best of Me

Cast: Michelle Monaghan, James Marsden, Luke Bracey, and Liana Liberato.


The Best of Me is based on a same name novel by Nicholas Sparks. The movie is about two lovebirds Amanda Collier and Dawson Cole falling for each other at the 18s and reuniting after 20 years of separation on a very oddly special occasion. Both receive private letters from Tuck, who is a mutual friend watching the relationship of those two. When I first saw the movie, I was totally in tears. The film is not with a happy ending, yet you will learn a lot about love and never ask for a happier ending.

It’s you that is the best of me.

Have you ever wondered why someone is there for you but not no one else? Why is this time? Are you two on a destined path? Dawson almost dies in his incident; however, recovers in unexplainable miracle to return to Amanda. God gives him a second chance to listen and say it all, to cure those pains in the past and raise some hope for tomorrow. We tend to excuse our youth for making impetuous mistakes, but we have no idea how our wrong decisions tear us apart from the ones we love. God never takes our chances away. He gives them to us, from time to time. I hope you, after seeing The Best of Me, will treasure every chance God has given to you and won’t make any impulsive decisions that you will spend the whole life seeking for a second chance.

The story is told with a great combination between past and present. The experience with the film is likely peeling an onion, through which you explore their hidden secrets gradually. In the end, it shows you how profound love would change us, shed a light that we find our truest selves once again. Or simply, some hope for the future is raised with pain-taking but long-lasting love.

“I hope to see you again someday. And if I don’t, just know these last days have been the best of my life. I love who I am when I’m with you, Amanda. You are my dearest friend, my deepest love. You are the very best of me.” – Dawson.

1.  Me Before You

Cast: Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin.


Is it living longer or fully that you’re looking for? Perhaps, the answer is either “both” or “none” when it comes to Me Before You. Lou and Will, who are from different backgrounds, have a chance to burnish when they are in the middle of their own paths. The two share a piece of life that has changes their how they think about living.

Push yourself. Don’t settle. Just live.

The movie is precious in the sense the lead couple have different perceptions on living, and perfectly become a fit for each other. Will had an extensively joyful life before being on the wheelchair, whilst Lou has been living her simply one. She does her best to keep him stay longer in happiness. He tries his own just to free her dream. In the end, the film does not raise any regret but full and impressive taste of living. Sometimes, a little bit of “living longer” means a lot, then we just wish we had more time. And it does only if we spend it with the right one. In exchange, that “little longer” may significantly empower you to live a different but more enjoyable and horizontal life. We wonder whether we really live the moment, think about what if something happens tomorrow that would stop us from broadening our horizon. People usually state “just live”. Yes, it’s true! But they do not tell you to live fully in the long way ahead. Me Before You does.

Hope you enjoy these movies and understand the values behind them. Then everyday shall be Valentine’s Day with lots of love and joyfulness. Don’t forget to share with me how you feel! Your words would mean a lot to me. Happy Valentine’s Day and I will catch you in my next blog!

I would be glad to hear from you!