White Vengeance (Hong Men Yen)

May they win their own prize or nothing? 

Cast: Leon Lai, Feng Shaofeng, Zhang Hanyu, Anthony Wong, Liu Yifei, Jordan Chan, and Andy On.


Series have been a good choice for history storytelling thanks to the advantage of spreading time frame. However, producers are challenged to wrap the whole story encompassing background, highlights, details and portraits of players in a one-to-two-hour movie. In my viewpoint, White Vengeance is among remarkable productions that fairly nail it. The movie reflects the Feast at Hong Gate, which is a prominent historical event in Chu-Han Contention. The movie begins with the cause of Chu-Han Contention as well as the background and prelude of the feast. Then, the banquet only officially starts as the explosion of the contention between two predominant kingdoms Western Chu led by Xiang Yu and Han led by Liu Bang with a long list of heroes. The movie succeeds at telling the story as playing a Go game, which greatly maintain the audience’s interest. I will thus spend primary focus on the plot of the movie.        

White Vengeance leads the audience through a breathtaking Go game with skillful players and phenomenal strategies during two hours. There is no extreme knot that twists the audience at the beginning of movie. Instead, we naturally follow the history flow from the rebellion against Qin dynasty to the banquet and the establishment of Han dynasty after Liu Bang’s victory. The lifelong battle between Western Chu and Han is just like a Go game. The way that the big battle is moving up and down is perceived as the logic of behind every move within the game. At the end, Zhang Liang (known as Liu Bang’s advisor) clearly determines his mates and enemies. At the end, Liu Bang seems to win the game but does not know the hidden trap behind. At the end, the big question is perhaps if Fan Zeng (known as Xiang Yu’s advisor) really loses the game.

The great battle is captured as a Go game

In addition to the overview of the game, the movie is also successful at illustrating two core players Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. Watching White Vengeance, we all concern whether each of them wins or loses the game. I appreciate the right balance in these two characters. Liu Bang, the founder of Han dynasty, is described neither a real hero nor a bad leader. He is a destined emperor though he is not a warlord of strength as Xiang Yu. It is undeniable that he does not have expertise in playing the game but knows how take it over with right people. He excellently persuades skillful players including Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Fan Kuai to fight for his force, which is the backbone of his triumph over Xiang Yu.

Liu Bang wins the world, commences Han dynasty in the respect of his offspring. Yet is it that? After his victory, he gradually eliminates his supporters comprising Zhang Liang, Han Xin, Xiu He and Fan Kuai. Power tears them apart. Liu Bang loses ability to trust other people, even his brothers who have been with him since the beginning. The only thing he could do to show his respect and appreciation to these important people in his lifetime is placing wordless tablets at Hong gate. This detail is a precious one. At least, Liu Bang never forgets these people and always treasure them at the bottom of his heart.

Neither Liu Bang nor Xiang Yu is the winner or loser.

In sharp contrast, Xiang Yu is worth applause as a great general that is competent in army rather than an emperor. He is known for cruelty and mass murders during battles. In ancient China where people expect great sympathy from leaders, the cold-blooded Xiang Yu loses people’s favor over his opponent. Meanwhile, his love to Consort Yu is honored as an exemplar of unconditional love. After all, Xiang Yu loses all except Consort Yu. The movie also includes the famous Farewell My Concubine scene in its own way. Despite some incorrect details compared to history, the scene could be perceived as a reward to Xiang Yu. He loses his advisor, his force, his position. However, he is given a soulmate that always loves him, relies on him and is never his loss. White Vengeance places two prominent leaders in correct positions with proper balance. This equal treatment does not diminish the importance of anyone but embraces each with their own role.

Briefly, White Vengeance is a great production referred to the historical event The Feast at Hong Gate. No extreme plot twists. The movie drives the audience through a Go game in magnificent scale with masterminds, precise strategy, epic battle and ambiguous victory. What makes the movie special is, it prefers neither Liu Bang nor Xiang Yu but brings out an appropriate balance and lesson on “win and lose”. The plot so far reminds us of how destructive the war is. Winners may lose themselves. Losers may win their own prize.

White Vengeance (Vietnamese edition)

7 thoughts on “White Vengeance (Hong Men Yen)

  1. Hi. I am quite impressed that for each Review you have 2 different versions of languages Vi and En. May I know the reason behind this. Are you a journalist/professional critics or you just write for fun?
    P/s Mình là người Việt giống bạn thôi.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there, thanks for your kind words! 🙂 The whole movie review blog was born in the hope that I would practice writing in English and I was up to movie review that moment. I just wanted to share my thoughts on some movies/series I love. I wish I could’ve written more haha.
      And why I also wrote a Vietnamese version? Most of my reviews are for Chinese series, which Vietnamese are of target audience. A version in my mother tongue to polish my blog, in general, wouldn’t do any harm, would it? 🙂


      1. Yes but no. It’s not that I finished the whole blog in English then added the Vietnamese version for all blog posts. I did it one by one, meaning that I usually wrote a blog post in English first then outlined the Vietnamese version for a movie/series. I hope it’s clear now XD


      2. Yeah that’s what I meant to ask. It’s clear now. Thanks. But i notice that recently there’s no new posts. You are too busy or you have quited blogging?


      3. After this blog, I started another blog for professional growth but ended up not writing too much (writing too little to be exact!). I don’t see series/movies as intensely as I did when I was a student so I don’t think I would create quality content for this blog anm. Plus I’m shifting my focus to some other matters. 🙂
        P.s: I noticed you’ve got a movie review blog too. It even has a great deal of posts. Your work is varied and meticulous. Keep it up! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Oh yes, I’ve started blogging since I was in high school and been keep it up until today, changing from a daily diary to film reviewing. You’re welcome to visit anytime 🙂


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