Review or Preview: uncover stories behind

A platform originating from my passion that gives you the next-best options to fulfill your time and your soul. 

Simply my passion

Every movie or series delivers to us different messages, some of which we may observe in several ways. Taking a great part of my leisure time is my deep interest in Chinese series based on historical events. I do not only watch them as entertainment but observe them as a message that I will find out at the end. I pay attention to not only cast or costumes but also plot, imagery of characters, details and consistency. I would say I watch a movie or series with all of my heart. That is why I am thrilled to share my opinion, feelings with those who share the common sense with me.

Moreover, this project partly originates from my own experience. In prior to get started with a series, I wonder if it deserves my time and focus. Fan sites are usually not a good idea. As they, indeed, support their favorites and their reviews may not be rational. Thus, I am willing to create such a platform where my peers would explore the best choices that are worth their time. I really hope that this platform would give you an overview on your intent, and hopefully next-best suggestions to fulfill your passion as well as your soul.

I would like to explain the name ‘Review or Preview’ briefly. These following posts are, of course, my reviews. However, they are born with hope to match you with the best option for your entertainment. Hence, they are probably your preview. On the other hand, these reviews may connect us. You would watch a movie or series then see if we share common points about it, wouldn’t you?

Let’s get started!

Not to waste your time anymore, let’s kick off my project from now on! I would review plot and spontaneously try not to spoil any pieces of stories. Starring would not be missed as well. Costumes, soundtrack, techniques, etc. are expected to be essential parts. Besides, I would do my best to determine which one should be the choice for whom so that you would find your mix-and-match here at ‘Review or Preview’. And writing is in both languages English and Vietnamese. Lastly, I would be glad to hear from you. Share your own opinions, discuss some points you are in fond of in the comment part below.

I would be glad to hear from you!