
Hi there!

I am Trinh Tran. Call me Jean if you like.  I have been pursuing Bachelor of Business Administration degree specialized in International Marketing in Finland. College has unleashed my passion for communications. Coupled with it, I am more than thrilled to sharpen the expertise in correlations with social media and technological advancement.

I do believe in the power of words and am passionate about writing. By the same token, languages are endeavors I have been pursuing. I am on my way to excel in English, at the early stage of pursuing German and Finnish, and getting fired with Mandarin. These puzzles fit perfectly empowering me to run my first own: Review or Preview.

I am inspired by challenges. In other words, that drives what I have been doing. Challenges are such an inspirational life guru that takes me out of my comfort zone times to times. I stay open and am always ready for a new journey.

Having been through ups and downs in the career path, I am backed to start a new project: Nail it! I take it as a mutual forum for discussions on stories, thoughts and so-called tips about nailing your career. I hope you all will find it interesting to share, help and grow together.

I wholeheartedly expect more projects will take hold and you may find a fit. Stay tuned!